THE TV CARPENTER : Home Makeovers with Wayne Perrey
Wayne chats with Lynne Lambourne about giving up single use plastics in our home.
The Skinny Jean Gardener Podcast
“This week we speak to designer and warrior on waste, Lynne Lambourne In her own words " I'm Lynne, interiors addict and warrior on waste. I'm passionate about inspiring you to live more sustainably in a home that looks fantastic, doesn't cost the earth (literally) and that you love.”
I was lucky enough to be featured by Andrea Fox on her amazing Podcast ‘The age of Plastic’ If you click the link here you can have a listen, it explains why I am so passionate to save the oceans and my views on the current single use plastic situation. A funny and informative chat.
Selfridges Hot Air presents:
SELF-Sustainable Podcast Series
In this episode we turn our attentions to the home – after all that’s where the heart is – discovering that there are plenty of ways to show the planet love while we’re feathering our nests. From how we wrap our food to how we redecorate, we show you domestic gods and goddesses that there's nothing too big or too small we can do to be sustainable homemakers in 2019.